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Instructions for

On this page

Sign in with password and phone factors

Identity Engine

Note: In proxy model architectures, where a server-side app using the embedded SDK is used as a proxy between client apps and Okta servers, a request context for the client apps is required. The expectation is that security enforcement is based on the client request context's IP address and user agent.

However, since these values are currently derived from the server app rather than the client, this enforcement isn't available. As a result, network zones or behaviors that drive their conditions based on these request context values (geolocation, IP Address, or user agent) won't work until a solution to the issue is found.

This guide covers the use case for a user sign-in flow with password and phone factors.

Learning outcome

  • Configure your Okta org to use the password and phone factors.
  • Challenge a user's identity with password and phone factors.

What you need

Sample code

Configuration updates

This sign-in use case requires the password and phone factors.

Password and phone factors

Before you build a sign-in flow with password and phone factors, you need to configure the Okta org to accept both factors in your app. See Set up your Okta org for a multifactor use case to configure your app and Okta org for this use case.

Set phone as optional for authentication enrollment

The instructions in Set up your Okta org for a multifactor use case enables both email and phone factors as optional for enrollment. For this use case, you need to enable the phone factor as optional and disable the email factor.

  1. In the Admin Console, go to Security > Authenticators.
  2. On the Authenticators page, select the Enrollment tab.
  3. In Default Policy, click Edit.
  4. In the Edit Policy dialog box, under Effective Factors:
    • Set Email Authentication to Disabled.
    • Set Phone Authentication to Optional.
  5. Click Update Policy if a value has changed.

Summary of steps

Integration steps